If I Were A Bird Click
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If I were a tender red bird, if I were a tender red-winged bird
I would take the anger that you feel for your world
I would take the redness on my wing
I would take it to the sun to burn through the hills at evening
If I were a tender black bird, if I were a tender black-winged bird
I would take the sorrow that you feel for your world
I would take the blackness on my wing
I would take it to the sky at night when the stars are sleeping
If I were a tender yellow bird, if I were a tender yellow-winged bird
I would take the brightness that I cradle at my breast
I would take the yellow from my wing
I would weave some hope For your hopeless world
So you could once again know spring
© 1995 D. Schumilas/Larkspur Music All Rights Reserved.